2:07 pm
If the Sheets Fit, Enjoy Them!
Hotel beds are a marvel to me. Many hotel chains have made a concerted effort to provide the best in comfort – down covers, well made pillows and modern mattresses. I wonder however, why not all chains, including some of the most expensive, cannot manage to find these amenities. Why do sheets not fit the mattress? It is extremely uncomfortable to sleep in such a bed. By morning, if you’re lucky, the sheets will still be covering any part of the mattress. But in most cases, they will either be wrapped around you like a cocoon or off the bed in a heap on the floor.
Jeesh, I do not have the resources and suppliers available to hotel chains and I can manage to find sheets that fit all the beds in my home. What’s the problem for hotel chains?
Believe it or not, this was my bed at a Ritz Carlton Resort!